Friday, January 9, 2015

Theme Analysis in The Cask of Amontillado

The Cask of Amontillado
           Symbolism is a art used to represent something. For an example an owl may represent wisdom. Edgar Allen Poe, the author of The Cask of Amontillado used this technique along with a twist of irony to foreshadow events. Sneaky, talented little writer R.I.P. This story is about a man named Montresor who lives by his family's motto: "Nemo me impune lacessit" which means no one attacks me with impunity. Because Montresor was insulted by another man named Fortunado, he sought out revenge and it was well planned out. In the beginning of the story, a carnival was taking place. Fortunado dressed as a jester; jesters often play the fools in stories. Whereas Montresor was dressed in all black matched with a mask and cape. The color black itself frequently represents something ominous. Throughout the story, Edgar Allen Poe left symbolism clues for us to pick up on, like when Montresor handed Fortunado a wine bottle that was sitting by a skull, or when Montresor pulled a trowel from beneath his roquelaire.

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